hrp0092p2-56 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

a case report of a girl with short stature has laron syndrome and spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia

Alshahrany abdullah , Alshahrany nouf

20 months old girl has frequent hypoglycemias, protruding forehead(frontal bossing), sunken bridge of the nose (saddle nose), and a blue tint to the whites of the eyes (blue sclerae). short limbs compared to the size of her torso, as well as small hands and feet, fragile thin hair,short limbs, Genu varum, Brachydactyly,malar falttening, motor delay, delayed teeth eruption, when plotted to growth chart height found far below the third centile for age,sex,population, Hre laborat...